PlayHardLookDope's Lifestyle Accessories Designer, Jon designs a staple piece for Broadway's "West Side Story" Lead Actor, Dharon E. Jones who plays (Riff) a gang leader in the revival of the infamous original.
The High-Grade Stainless Steel Bullet Necklace happened unexpectedly when costume designers walked into the Brand's jewelry store located in Soho, New York and express the need for something edgy, unique and a bit risky. Not disclosing what their requests would later be for, Jon showed the two stylish women many styles of chains, bracelets and, rings. Picking a few pieces that would work well with the overall look and feel of the ensemble, that one striking and edgy piece was still missing. It wasn't after a while of pulling pieces that Jon was informed of the project.
Suddenly a light went off and Jon presented the costume designers with a rare piece he'd kept off display due to its mixed feelings at first glance by customers. "This is what you are looking for", said Jon as he handed over a solid enclosed 3-D life-size Bullet Pendant Necklace! He described it as Dope, the women chuckled out of kindness, not really understanding the slang. He then pointed to the sign behind it that read the Brand's name, PlayHardLookDope. Without hesitation, the pair loved the weighted pendant and talked quietly about how it would work in action. In the following weeks, Jon receives more requests for his Lifestyle Jewelry and is prompted to bring samples to an undisclosed location through a side door.

A big believer in showing support for artists and creatives, Jon supported the entire cast and production during its previews from a second level spacious seat. Shocked is an understatement when the Norweigan born Jewelry designer and entrepreneur saw his creation decorated the cast's main character, Dharon E. Jones. Seeing his Bullet Necklace at the forefront of the wardrobe was a treat!
What's more?!
Featured in a stunning photo spread in the
New Yorker, the Bullet Necklace, now a popular statement piece amongst fashionable Millenials found it's way perfectly placed on the Lead Actor's nose as he performs a technical mid-air jump!
"West Side Story" Officially opened on Thursday, February 20, 2020, to the likes of Journalists, Critics, Family, Friends and, Celebrities!
Cyndi Lauper and
Alec Baldwin took their seats to watch the exhilarating revival.
That same night Jon attended the
official afterparty for the opening of "West Side Story" was held at
Barry Diller's IAC building which faces the West Side Highway and Hudson River in Manhattan, New York. The entire cast (all making their broadway debut) were celebrated and celebrating amongst friends and celebs like
Vanessa Hudgens.
On the dance floor, Jon's assistant spotted (Riff), Dharon E. Jones dancing in a circle or castmates and celebs when she gently tapped him on the shoulder and explained that the designer of your Bullet Necklace is here and would like to congratulate you! Not a moment passed before the Brooklyn Native up and coming Broadway Star shook hands and expressed his love for the necklaced and thanked Jon for his support. The shared an uplifting conversation and ended with a photo.